Message of the Day: We're so back!

Welcome to my Sanctum!

Call me Seryndelle. You've just stumbled across my homepage. Welcome! There's no force in the universe stronger than serendipity, and nowhere is it found in greater supply than the oft-forgotten nooks and crannies of the internet. Above, you will find whatever it is that you seek... as long as you seek a snazzy website!

In all seriousness, I'm not entirely sure what this website will grow to be—and I don't want to know! That would ruin all the excitement. First-time webmastery is like throwing a handful of mysterious seeds into the fertile soil of the World Wide Web and seeing what grows. But one thing I do intend to do is splurge my thoughts on various topics out into cyberspace for all to see.

This is a playground, a laboratory. It's all manner of things, really, and I could labour this metaphor until I'm blue in the face. In fact, I will! One of my intentions is to write a manifesto, as so many champions of the Free Web have done before me, and you'll be able to find that in the Writing section of this website.

I couldn't have come this far without treading the trail blazed by those who came before me. One particular shoutout I'd like to give at this juncture is to Sadgrl, whose resources made creating this website an absolute doddle. Thank you, Sadgrl, and may your road lead you to warm sands!

To the rest of you: thank you for being here. I can't wait for the adventures we'll go on as we discover, together, what this Sanctum has in store for us...

What's New?

September 19th, 2023

  • Started moving the "What's new?" section from the sidebar into the main body of the homepage to reduce my workload. (I'll get around to removing it from the sidebar at a later date.)
  • The first blog post is up!